Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Stevie Nicks Wrote a Letter To Her Fans on Eve of Album Release...

Stevie has written a letter to the fans 
about the new album release.


  1. No mention of that dreaded pneumonia she's battling.

  2. Yea, it is very odd that she is sick and doesn't say anything about being sorry about cancelling the appearances. And how is she going to make it to Atlantic City on Friday if she can't fly. Maybe those who suggested she chickened out of NYC because of Bin Laden are right. That is still kind of hard to believe. Maybe though the Taliban has seen the South Park episode where the US sends Stevie and Fleetwood Mac to get rid on Osama and they have it out for Ms. Nicks. Stranger things have happened.

  3. At least she's not directly lying to her fans, which would be very difficult for her to do.

  4. Stevie loves and respects her fans way too much to lie to them. She didn't! She was probably advised by Warner Bros. not to go at this time, and she knew that by writing this letter her fans would know the real situation immediately, that it was simply out of her hands. Stevie, I love you, and thank you for not backing up that cockamamy story.

  5. "Guys, pleeeeease, do I HAVE to go this time? The terrorists have it in for me ever since that South Park episode, and I love Glee since it's my favorite show in the world, and it's the RUMOURS episode and I have this teeny viewing party planned and I certainly can't do that in some crappy little hotel room, so pleeeeese let me just not go this time? Oh, pretty pleeeeese with a cherry on top? I'll write you songs deeper than the one about the Illume candle and the Soldier one where I'm everyone's angel... Oh, you guys are the BEST! Thanks everybody! Love, Stevie Nicks and Dave Stewart. P.S. Oh, you know how to get to my house, right? It's on that leaked call sheet from the video shoot."
