Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Lindsey Buckingham Featured on New Delta Rae Single "If I Loved You"

Delta Rae have released their new single on iTunes today. Lindsey Buckingham recorded a Veillette guitar for the new single version of “If I Loved You,” which replaced the original guitar track underneath Liz Hopkins’ vocals.

 "If I Loved You" feat. Lindsey Buckingham.  Check out the original album version vs the single version featuring Lindsey below so you can see the differences in the tracks.
Delta Rae Featuring Lindsey Buckingham "If I Loved You" (Single Version)


  1. Thanks for the info - very cool re Veillette guitar recording!

  2. Very impressive display of Lindsey's talent - he just knows exactly how to get inside the song and underscore things in a subtle but pivotal way. The song comes alive with his input. Funny that the band already has 6 musicians but still needed Lindsey's help in crafting a single. Truly a "master class" moment. Good, young, band too.

  3. Wow! The two versions are night and day! I'm obviously biased, but I'm quite partial to the Lindsey version, and couldn't be more delighted that he put the guitar down to this song. At first, I thought it sounded like a mandolin, and that excited me even more. I loved learning that it was a Veillette guitar. What a great sound it has, and I would love to see Lindsey pictured with one!
