The song is now available on iTunes and Amazon.
iTunes: http://bit.ly/YUiWE9
Amazon: http://amzn.to/YUmAhr
Stevie sounds pretty amazing on this... just her and a piano, which I don't think she's ever done before.
"What is to become of me
And I’m unsure
I can’t see my way
And, he says
Lady, you don’t have to see”
More clips from "24 Karat Gold - Songs From The Vault" can be heard here.
Pre-Order Stevie Nicks "24 Karat Gold - Songs From The Vault" from Stevienicksofficial.com
Available October 7th.
Available October 7th.
THE standout track so far n my opinion. NOW I'm getting excited. :)
Thanks for all you do to bring this info to the fans. It's much appreciated.
Herd the complete song. Beautiful!
I've listened to the entire cut several times today (a fan in Australia posted it on her blog site) and my guess is this will become one of her signature songs, raw and full of emotion. She's accompanied by only a piano...is that Christine at the keyboards?
That's a cool observation - Christine was in Nashville during the time Stevie was recording there so it makes sense that she is playing the the piano. This would be a first (I think) where someone from FM other than Lindsey playing on a Stevie Nicks solo record.
Just a gorgeous piece of work from Stevie. Glorious, vocally-
and i wish the 'Lady' photo was the litho we'd get with our pre-orders.
Based on this song, and the other previews, I really am feeling a solo Grammy in her future. Can't wait for the vinyl and cd! Oh, on amazon, choose 'release date delivery' for the vinyl, it's not all that much more expensive!
This is an extraordinary song. The melody is fantastic and the lyrics are beautiful. And as good as this version is, I would have loved to hear it if Fleetwood Mac would have recorded it back in the day. And to the previous post, I don't think that is Christine McVie playing the piano, it seems like a more plain piano part than she would have done. She is a better musician than that.
It seems now that we've heard two complete songs and snippets from others that Stevie wanted to make this CD sound like the original demos, and not to fully arrange them with a lot of instrumentation. And now I get what she was going after and can't wait for the whole album to come out. And am more anxious than ever to hear what she contributes to the new Fleetwood Mac album and how they record her songs, with both Lindsey and Chris taking part in the production.
To the post above: Mick played drums on the song "Sable On Blond" from The Wild Heart album.
@ Anonymous #4 ... Mick has guested on plenty of Stevie's solo records. Although yes it was reported Christine was in Nashville with Stevie and Dave. I doubt she played on the whole record but it would be cool if it turns out Christine contributed some piano and keyboard work to '24KG.'
I have to say so the only ballad Stevie's ever recorded that I enjoy more is "Beauty and the Beast," and I much prefer the live version of that. I think even with the album version of "Has Anyone Ever Written..." there was some additional instrumentation behind the piano. "Lady" is so stripped down and raw ... So powerful. LOVE IT!
Lady...is number 3 on itunes rock chart!!!
How amnesiac of me...other than Lindsey AND Mick :)
This is the first Stevie song I've heard in years (decades?) where I listened to the song and literally felt proud of and for Stevie. The piano, the lyrics and her vocals just all come together in this gem. I love the simplicity of the song. It's all about the music. There isn't a lot of hype about the project...they're not recording another documentary...there won't be countless stories about how amazing the experience was, etc. It seems the main objective was just to put out some great music without all the fuss. Stevie seems completely vocally committed to the song...which is not always the case. What I miss about the "old" Stevie was that she BECAME her songs. The two were inseparable. In later years, she opted just to SING her songs...a feeling of almost reading the lyrics off of the sheet music as they were recording. I'm NOT getting that feeling with the music I'm hearing from the new project....certainly not with Lady.
Lady actually hit #106 on the iTunes Top 200 singles chart today. It was the #3 single on the iTunes Rock page. I'm not one to believe that Stevie will ever have another single chart hit again, but given the chance, I think Lady could be a sleeper hit on adult contemporary stations....maybe even more. Time will tell. Hit or no hit, this is the most personable music Stevie has released in years, and I am (once again) one proud fan. :)
I think Warners Bros is more confident in this new album than they were in IYD. The care of the packaging and much better promotion and early press (not to mention her booking on The Voice) all point to a well-executed campaign. I know I'm far more excited about this project than anything she's done in 20 years.
This song is a masterpiece. (and so was IYD)
Blown away! The song is beautiful with stunning vocals by Stevie! Another favorite Stevie song of mine that's more piano-based is Beautiful Child. A lot of people seem to never stop talking about her voice being different now, not hitting the high notes, etc., but I think it's often way more powerful in some ways. There have also been a lot of songs from Trouble in Shangri-La and especially In Your Dreams that knocked me out of first listen and continue to do so. I can't wait to hear this whole album!
I know now that one can HEAR a person's soul.
All of her raw emotion is on display, unadorned, out there and ''in your face'' to take or leave in this too cynical world, making it all the more harrowing, brave and touching of performances. It's called ART.
The music video for "Lady" will be online "soon" - source from WB. It was directed by Dave Stewart and Stevie herself and she also singlehandedly edited it.
perfect example of the cliche....less is more.
WOW!!! That is just stellar. I was actually hoping the whole album would be stripped back like this. But this will suffice. Its incredibly powerful. Her voice is sublime.
This song was awesome,,just awesome.. Cant wait to hear the rest of the tracks..
I just love her.. and of course Fleetwood Mac, see you in Dec.. ~pattyb
This is just about the best thing she's ever done. I can't imagine how incredible this would be live. Please - someday. Maybe she will do with FM if we're incredibly lucky? I just can't believe how beautiful this is. I can't stop playing.
Just read about 5 or 6 reviews for "Lady" and each reviewer gives two thumbs-up.
One reviewer went as far as to say it's Stevie at her best and the production on "Lady" proves she doesn't need synths and shawls to show just how good she is.
OH MY GOD! I LOOOOOOVE THIS! Stevie's vocals sound amazing!!!!!
Stunned amazed and speechless. Probably the best thing she has done in decades I've been listening all day. Can't stop~
This is instantly one of my top 10 Stevie Nicks song of All Time - this is exactly how I have been feeling for about the past year - But - The ending is too abrupt - the piano needs to be allowed to finish ringing out!
Hopefully the LP & CD will be MY way!
Because I'm a trained Recording Engineer... Ha Ha!
Tom Bosway
As a sound engineer, you should have the knowledge to use any number of sound editor computer apps to extend the last note for as long as you wish it to be.
I wouldn't count on the album version being different than the digital single release.
Oh, but I don't want to extend the last note - I want the piano to be allowed to finish ringing out to it's own natural decay before the recording suddenly cuts it off! There's a difference - most recordings don't acknowledge anymore.
I think the way it ends is perfect.
THIS is why we hard-core collectors just HAD to make and mail cassette tapes to one another for 20 years before the internet was invented. We HAD to have Stevie's unreleased recordings. Thank God Stevie finally embraced what we were doing. We all hated that her personal work was "stolen" from her, but we knew the world needed to hear it. This song captures the essence of ALL of Stevie's demo work more profoundly than any other studio recording I've ever heard. Thank God all of the comments above are overwhelmingly positive and for once EVERYBODY agrees that this recording is a masterpiece of Stevie vocals and prophetic poetry written by a young girl BEFORE she was a star.
To all the hardcore groupies these songs have been polished. It was a little strange to listen to since I knew most the lyrics already. Great job Stevie. We have waited a long time for these songs. As usual the wait was worth it....
What is nice, I think, is we are seeing Stevie Nicks take on the status of an "icon"...we already regard her and Fleetwood Mac as legends. It was really nice to read such lovely sentiments about her above. All to often people are so quick to respond negatively. I heard in a recent interview with her that she and Lindsay Buckingham had some sort of "talk" (as she called it) in 2011. She intimated that they had some kind of cathartic breakthrough in their relationship...and when you see them perform together now, I think it is obvious...and I don't mean romantically (it is so high school and silly when people go there...lol) but as artists, and artistically, there truly does seem to be an apparent need for each other. I think Christine McVie even sensed some sort of shift had taken place and it probably, in some way, precipitated her return. Stevie seems like an intense person...anyone who would make a conscious decision to not pursue relationships in any serious way and decide to not have children has heard a calling of some kind to give all their devotion to art which is an extraordinary thing to do. To line up your priorities in that way is uncommon...only deeply sensitive people are willing to do this. As a visual artist, I've had a similar experience and have let go of the need to need someone else romantically. If you are a true artist, once you've hit a certain age and you are not firmly attached to someone's hip, I think it is safe to say that you have opted out of the need for long lasting romantic partnerships. While companionship is important, there are other kinds of it out there to have.
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