Fleetwood Mac have 67 shows booked in 13 countries so far this year beginning April 4th in Columbus. The last date so far is October 25th in Finland. Australia and New Zealand are likely next and haven't been announced yet. Those shows will likely take place later this year.
Exciting times ahead... New music... New stage... New brightly coloured t-shirt on Lindsey... Wondering who will all be up on stage playing with them (Brett Tuggle's been confirmed)... Wondering about these 3 new songs... Wondering about the new old songs they've mentioned they may add back in to the set... You know, all the fun stuff you think about in anticipation.

Stevie mentioned that they may do "Sisters Of The Moon", and that would be great. Would also love to hear "Angel" and even more would love it if they did "Fireflies", a song they've never performed in concert. I also would love for them to do "Holiday Road" a song Lindsey performed on his 2006/7 tour.
I still also wish they would release one or more of the new songs on ITunes before we hear them live. They are missing an opportunity to use the new age of media to put out music, and they originally said they would. Wonder why they've changed their minds?
And I too am anxious to see that this year's stage set will look like. Those large lighting panels hanging over the stage on the 2009 tour were pretty, but they looked kind of ominous moving around between songs and if you were sitting on the side of the stage in the upper levels, they blocked your views of the band. It would be good if they did something like Stevie does on her solo tours and projected images onto a screen. I wish they would project close up shots of Lindsey and Stevie singing. So many artists do this and it always works well.
I have a set list prepared in my head. :) I would love to hear them perform "Crystal" or "Blue Letter." Of course, they could play for three hours and it still wouldn't be enough.
Yeah, I agree Sisters of the Moon would be Great as would Angel. I'm hoping for some Mirage and Tango songs as well.
Hopefully the new songs will be releases asap.
As for the stage set up, I think Mick should hit up his friend Steven Tyler and borrow the Aerosmith HUGE back drop screen they used on the last tour. It was high definition and would divide out into multiple angles of each band member. Was kinda cool. Can't wait to be surprised in Columbus...
I can't believe Nickslive didn't cover Stevie's show in Indio, CA. No pics or anything!
I agree with post #2!!! I've been waiting on something from Indio!!!!!!!!!
Fantasy Springs is a casino way out in the desert. Doubt a one-off show like this even gets press coverage as older artists come and go in this venue very frequently and their gigs usually don't rise to "event" status...
Well is a curve ball that they are throwning at us fans with the idea that christine is not touring or is she. brett tuggle plays key boards and guitar. Funny they only mentioned brett that is only comfirming . R they tring to stere us in thinking she not. still got my fingers crossed
Yeah, there's been no news on Christine's stay in the States, no news on Christine's visit with Stevie and no news on when and if she's returning/returned to England... Maybe my theory isn't all that crazy?
Christine is not going to tour with Fleetwood Mac. As much as we all would love it, it ain't gonna happen. She is already back in England amd that's that.
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