The commercial features a man in a taxi with a bouquet of flowers. He takes one flower up to an apartment of presumably a girlfriend. The commercial is part of Bank of America’s ‘Connect‘ campaign. There is a solo guitar song playing in the background and the tune is Fleetwood Mac‘s ‘Never Going Back Again.’ from the 1977 album "Rumours"
The picking of this song is sooooo timeless!!! this one and bleed to love her defines who Lindsey is as a guitarist.
One of my all-time favorite songs! The one in the commercial is the same tune, but is a little different than the original 'Never Going Back Again'. Is there a full-length version of the song from the commercial somewhere?
Do we ACTUALLY know if Fleetwood Mac agreed to this????? Ad agencies are NOTORIOUS for ripping off bands (LCD soundsystem and Beach House most recently) by taking a song and change a few chords and calling it their own. Google "VW Polo Dad."
i urge Fleetwood Mac *not* to allow any of their music to be used by businesses that do not respect the public, their customers, common decency, and the law. Choose any Local Credit Union for your songs - not a big Company that has hurt a lot of home owners.
Is apple ripping off Spirit in the Sky in one of their iPhone commercials?
I've been learning to play Never Going Back Again on guitar recently. Last night was the first time I saw the commercial and as soon as I heard the first 3 notes played I knew what it was. I think it's being played in a lower key than how it was played on the album. That's not an uncommon way for people to play that song. GREAT SONG!
So glad I found this! Been trying to name that tune since I saw the commercial. Then I heard it in Starbucks last weekend. I knew it was Fleetwood Mac but that was all. Great song.
ha! my 28 year old son said to me the other night: mom, WHAT is the song by Lindsey Buckingham that's real slow? I named a bunch but never said the right one UNTIL that commercial came on and I jumped up out of my chair and said "Never Going Back Again"...we immediately ran to my pc and pulled it up on Youtube...GREAT old song! And so funny that my son recognized it--spouse and I played the Rumors cassette endlessly while the boys were growing up! FUN!
I recognized Lindsay's playing. Didn't know it was a Fleetwood song.
Like if these old farts gives a dam about being sell outs.
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