Above: Christine with Jenny Boyd and Mick Fleetwood at Jenny's book launch in London, Sept 26, 2013
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Christine performed with Fleetwood Mac Sept 25 and 27, 2013 - London Photo by Lolly Does London |
Above: Christine attends the Ivor Awards as a presenter in London, May, 2013
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Steven Tyler | Christine McVie - Maui Feb, 2013 |
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Christine supports Trevor's Trek Foundation |
Christine McVie Live - Maui Feb 13th.
Christine McVie with Mick and John on Maui
Christine subsequently rehearsed with Fleetwood Mac in Los Angeles after her vacation with Mick. During Mick's recent VIP Meet and Greets on the current 2013 Fleetwood Mac tour he has been indicating that she will likely appear at ONE of the London shows later this fall for a few songs... No word yet on which show, or what they will sing. But he said she's feeling very inspired to create and play music.. not for Fleetwood Mac but for herself. Who knows, we may end up getting more music from Ms. McVie!

Not sure how old these photos are, looks fairly recent... As the article suggests the only time she ventures out is to walk her dogs.... And I see Christine hasn't lost her sense of humour... Check out what it says on her dog leash... If I'm reading that correctly, and I think I am... it says "One of us has no balls"
This is the photo of Christine that ran in the UK newspaper The Sunday Express on March 28, 2010 along with the article posted yesterday... Additional Images by Mike Gunnill
Wow, almost shocking to see how much she has aged since retirement!
I love how this article says "She hasn't been photographed for a decade". Uh she had a solo album out in 2004 (In The Meantime), and I'm pretty sure she was photographed for that. Newspapers eh?
She received an English writing award in 2006 and looked incredible. This could have been airbrushed to make her look bad for the article or she could have a hangover. You know the Mac members like a night out!!
Hey give the lady a break. She's out walking her dogs for heavens sake, she's not likely to do the full hair and makeup bit is she?
Regarding the first comment here..... Christine is 67. How good do you think you'll look at 67? People that make fun of the natural aging process will get their turn as they grow older. Your total lack of respect will come back on you. You'll see...
I think she looks damn good for 67. The person that posted the first comment is probably a fat pig
I thinl She still rock in her own way. Cut her some slack not everyone here is perfect!!! Wait that's kinda funny. Anyway still, I think she should be allowed to go natural without being made fun of! I do it all the time and no one says anything (and it's not because they are scared of me)! I can see why she wasnt's her privacy now!
Sorry for the miss spelling I cant type well!!
Christine, I'm turning 67 and when I listen to your songs I hear a beautiful woman. You have evert right to your privacy. You have the ability to seclude yourself, you thereby reveal yourself selectively. So after giving yourself publicly for over 35 years you need your privacy.
By the way, I love your song "Love In Store".
So looks like Christine McVie is on the right side of this fight and it's a Mr. Perkins who is the villain, but you would have to read the article and not just the sensational headline to get that bit of info. Good on her if she's still out walking the dog at her age.
She looks like any other 67 year old woman who doesn't feel the need for plastic surgery.
Happy Birthday Chris!
I saw a hummingbird and thought of you (close enough), so I just had to post this message.
I Think She Was Always Amazing... Imcredibly Beautiful In Every Way. And Lemme Tell You Something... She's 67 In That Pic... Nobody Looks 25-45 When You Get There. Anybody Who Is Dumb Enough To Talk Crap Is Simplty Too Dumb To Realize Their Ignorance. She Lived The Ultimate 60-70-80-90's Life Of A Music Superstar. What's The Resume Of The Trash Talkers? Enough Said. You Are Priceless And Timeless Christine Perfect McVie ;) ILY
I wish.
I and I'm sure other fans want to know how Christine is doing. It would be nice to have one
of FM members {or someone who knows) post here and give us a hint as to her condition and her thoughts after all these years out of the band.
Just a wish.
So glad to have an update on Christine - and by the way, she's always "Perfect"...
Just like her Mother (a faith healer), Christine ability heals my soul with her music and her beautiful voice.
Her Song Bird song is just an example of this and typifies this ability.
If there is a God, you have been blessed with the same DNA as her Mother.
She is Beautiful, always has been.
One of the best female artist ever. Looks are not everything. To me she has allways ben beautiful
give her a break!! she is 70 years old... not all women can look as good as Stevie ;)
always loved her and always will-simply put,Christine McVie is the best female singer/songwriter/musician of my generation.thank you
Christine McVie is one of the loveliest women and entertainer of our time. Not just her singing, her voice, but her mere presents on stage. I can only imagine how she is as a normal person. What a pleasure it would be to sit with her and just talk about anything. She is a lovely creature.
God Bless you Christine.
give her a break. She looked old (DEEP smile lines) in the 1970s. Good on her for being a 'real' person.
Hey Birthday Girl ever kiss a fool well if ya wanna i'll meet you in FT lauterdale time to bring this ship into shore thats right i'm proposing you are one fine lady and i love you!! the sauza i like the kitten with the beret and the blue eyes she's precious hope she likes punkin!!! go go greyhound. oh ps i'm broke in 2 senses of the word a real train wreck worse for wear and tear. R.G rebecca was a christian oct/31 hope you get this message i'll be posting with list of resources addresses all my love teach!! hope to see you soon i hope you know who i am wise woman
oh you don't want me guess i'm just a day late and a dollar short don't have alot of money spent it all on a bag of beans 13-51 still going though bummer
But she has had no facelift :-)She is a very nice and warmheart lady and I hope she will be involved in the 2013 tour. Otherwise it will be again not THAT Fleetwood Mac
Hey Christine - Don't Stop being yourself! You are amazing ... And not everyone can look look incredibly young like Mick and Keith (ha ha).
You should see ME when i walk MY dogs...well, you prob wouldnt want to. Sad hair no makeup crap pj's. Listen if Christine would PLEASE come back and tour with the band I would be the happiest old broad in town!! I saw them almost thirty years ago and it was a wonderful night I still think about. And Christine? She is fabulous and has a beautiful voice. I miss u girl!!
Love when Chris starts piano out on Silver Springs. No one does it like her, ever! And I was just thinking about Songbird and how ken had you sing in theater alone to really realize that voice. And he's fab also. Love to you Chris, Linda Tulley
this is a public apology for my comment that was posted on this website. it goes out to christine mcvie i'm sorry i did not make it to florida on you birthday as i said i would.i did intend to but my plans fell through.i'm afraid i have hurt you and i am heartfully sorry. i hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. ps. debbie is a former classmate no more than that she is mrs.linscome her husbands name is steven they have a son christopher. sincerly karen anne
your future student.
could this website please remove what anonymous wrote on july/14/2012 @ 7:48 she wants to die for writing that!! can she claim temporary insanity?? she would really appreciate you doing so she feels bad enough as it is and she apologizes for her comment again and she really wishes she could take it back. sincerely really miss you much. i can't even say that i hurt you. i hope God blesses you mrs. Christine i hope you had a very happy birthday . WAML KA
thankyou for removing the comment posted on 7/14
Stage makeup is heavy, basically erases every blotch and the new countours are powdered in and eyeshadows open eyes. Healthy skin is from a good diet, makeup can't correct everything. When I look at Stevie on TV in concert, you can tell she's taken care of herself, and why not!? She's got the $$ to afford the best foods, massages, trainers, dressers, makeup artists. Why not take care of yourself and stay in business. I do understand Christine would rather be skinned alive & fed tot he sharks rather than get on stage with the Mac members...that has run its course, that's all.
i attended a Fleetwood Mac Concert in 1989. Although I always thought that Christine was attractive, it was Stevie who had the 'pin-up look'. I was surprised to find that up close (I was very close to the stage)it was Christine who was the most beautiful. She also had an amazing figure. The Concert was in broad daylight so no trick lighting. More importantly, of all the band, it was Christine who performed best live in that she sounded even better than she did on record. Her voice was amazing. Stevie, on the other hand, only came on stage to sing her own songs and her voice needed the vocal support of her backing singers. Even then, she voice was not as good as on record.
Christine always has been a beautiful, gifted artist....what is wrong w/ people who FOCUS on her LOOKS !! GOD ALMIGHTY, she's walking her dog, relaxed, and RETIRED !! Set your priorities, please ! Wishing her BLESSINGS and the REST and PRIVACY she deserves and has EARNED ! <3 she's AWESOME ! JMV Florida
Wow, what a tough crowd, some of you.
Sheesh, Ms. McVie is 69 now, 67 when the pic was taken. I'd bet a million to one that Ms. Nicks has had work done on her face, starting, say, oh about 20 years ago.
To me it's always been about Chris's voice, and her irresistible blues-based keyboards. She stayed true to her blues roots even as she ventured into pop - you can hear it in the lines.
If this is what one's late 60s look like - cool! I should look that good in 20 years. Just take a look at Keith Richards - he of the face that fell before he turned 30.
I'm glad Chris is using her money on the things that matter to her, not on plastic surgery.
there was a very good reason why i asked you to remove comments not for my sake but for christine mcvie i said it in haste when i posted it though i realized after it may have hurt the artist so if you can please remove comments for birthday girl unless you are just trying to hurt and are unaware that i asked for their removal in consideration of the womans feelings thankyou for your cooperation in this matter
Shut up you pussy!
She was just a class act....the rest don't matter. You make loving fun.... will live in my heart forever
she is fantastic - we all get old.
Venez-vous en France à Paris avec le FM en octobre?
"you can only expect gentleness out of the strong"
MS. Christine get like ewe you'sd to be
if ewe still want to.or ewe still want me??
fool 4 ewe a bit mixed up but still true
70 - 52 young cougar ewe are. i am hopeless!!!!! please forgive me and keep in mind i am worse for wear and tear.
not like the rest
i'm really soft need ewe.
your older you lead.
and yes i do!!! though i've never done that sort of thing before though i'm willing.if ewe are.
13 14 15 - 52 destiny? still here.
not strong enough i need help. i need you. i'll be waiting!! miss.karen anne
ps: please be patient and don't give up on me!!!
i think i love you. though i've never had the pleasure of meeting you!!
yours truly
First saw Christine when she was in Chicken Shack, fell in love with her then and still in love with her now. Roy
Whoever said she'd aged since retirement should think about that caption!! She is walking her dog with no make up on, looking no better or worse than anyone else would, especially in her late 60s. I like the way she looks now as she is still charmingly pretty without looking as though she's been under the knife and unrealistically young for her age. That's what you call growing old gracefully.
You are the best. I saw you play the piano in Boston years ago and would love to see you again. You look great!
lansakes, the lady is in her late sixties. at least she isn't like everyone else vain. sheesh.
Nothing wrong with her...I like her last CD 'In the meantime'...Nice to have her back in FM...Might get a little tiring for her to travel that much, though...
Christine is the Queen of the Mac! Her music and singing along with Lindsey made the Mac Great!
It's all in the eyes. She's always had beautiful eyes and always will.
Dear Fleetwood Mac
For the last 38 years I’ve been a Fleetwood Mac fan.
On December 20 you will be playing in Tampa, Florida. I bought the best tickets I could afford ($250+ each) in the nose bleed section. I’m bringing someone I’m madly in love with and we are excited to finally get to see Fleetwood Mac LIVE!
Is there ANY CHANCE you could dig out and play Woman of a 1000 Years? And if so could you dedicate it to CARRIE?
hey SONGBIRD you are beautiful!!! every time I hear you sing SONGBIRD I cry, And I'm a 51 yr old man
SONGBIRD love to get to see FM when you come to Knoxville T.N. it would sure take this 51 yr old back to the good old days. so he could unplug from this crazy society that has come upon us. l.y.a.a.f KEN
saw FM in hartford last night.....best spent event ticket dollars in 20 years (hundred plus major concerts included). they sounded as good or better than late 1970's, and they all look pretty good too! can't believe CM is 71....no f'ing way??....even if us 51/52 yr old guys had a hard time seeing past our teenage crushes on the front line, the guys kicked ass too.... prob safe to say the whole arena enjoyed watching the band enjoy being all together again.....touring has to suck, but we sure appreciate it!! doesn't just take us back, but brings us present and validates it all over again!
aged for gods sake she is 71. she is over 40 and what she chooses to do is her business. besides we can't look 20 forever. i wish you young people would learn not all of us want botox or surgery .
Christine is a creative genius. When I listen to her music, it puts me in a soft, bright, happy place. If I could have half the life she does now when I reach my 70th year, it would be a dream. None of us can stay young forever- except in our hearts & minds. Praying for Christine's health & that she may be blessed with more years to live, love & sing. She's an inspiration for women( especially, to me, those of us getting on in years) in an ever- changing world.
Well said anonymous
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