Exciting news!! Stevie Nicks will be screening her In Your Dreams Documentary on the making of her album In Your Dreams at the Mill Valley Film Festival which takes place between October 4th to 14th at the CinéArts at Sequoia and 142 Throckmorton Theatre (Mill Valley) and at the Christopher B. Smith Rafael Film Center (San Rafael).
Stevie's first announced screening takes place on October 12th at 6:30pm at the Smith Rafael Film Center in San Rafael. Stevie will be on hand after the screening to answer questions. More screenings of the film to come... Also, Dave Stewart will be making appearances at some of the screenings. No word yet on when and where.
The film is also the Official Selection at the Hamptons International Film Festival which runs from October 4th through 8th. Great poster!
The film will eventually be available in all formats according to Dave Stewart, but first the big screen!
The film is also the Official Selection at the Hamptons International Film Festival which runs from October 4th through 8th. Great poster!
The film will eventually be available in all formats according to Dave Stewart, but first the big screen!
In Your Dreams: Stevie Nicks

Tickets go on sale to the general public on Sunday, September 16, 2011, at 10:00 am.
Ticket Information
Mill Valley Film Festival website
Mill Valley Film Festival on Facebook
So badly wish I were close enough to attend! But I live in the middle of Wyoming, and can't afford to go that far, lol. Would LOVE to see it and her! That is my birthday wish, but it won't come true today, its almost over. But next year on 9/11, when I turn 40, I would love to be front row at a concert or be blessed enough to hang out with the woman who has inspired me and helped me survive since I was 3.
Is this ever going to be released to the public to purchase?
It will be out before the end of the year according to sources.
Happy Birthday, Catherine! I have a friend whose birthday is also 9/11 and a brother whose birthday in December 7th, which meant much the same in another era. Regardless of who was born and who died on any given day, it's still your special day!!!!
I'm crossing my fingers that this will be as good as the hype, cause Stevie is very powerful in this format. And I do think that in many ways IYD really is her best ever solo record. "Best" is such a subjective notion anyhow - it's a great record and I am eager to see how it was put together. Hopefully it'll give more juice to the commercial life of IYD. If not, that's fine, too.
Why do I have the feeling this might be Stevie's last record? She'll live a long, long time, and perform for many more years, but it almost feels as if she wants to exit on top - and IYD qualifies as "on top" on many levels.
Thoughts from others?
Love the Nickslive community, btw, even though I've been a mean, provocative person here : )
So glad the Documentary will finally come out.
I think the time for the documentary came and went its been too long coming and people lose interest, the only way it will sell is if she puts the live birthday concert in with it and sells it as a set, people love to see stevie live *_*
Thank you for the bday wishes! I agree, IYD is a great album! And Miss Stevie is incredible in the format where she can talk to the fans and share bits and pieces of her world with us. They, like her, are treasured gems!
I am oh so jealous of anyone who gets to attend this!! It is going to be so incredible. I just hope the rest of us get to see it someday on DVD! In my dreams...
Happy Birthday, Catherine!
And how great the Stevie Documentary is finally seeing the light of day!! Sure hope this isn't her last record...or at the very least new music.. There is something to be said for each of her albums and I hope more to come!!
Oh yyyyy-e-e-a-AH, The In Your Dreams documentary. It's been so long I actually forgot about the damn thang.
Wa-wa-wait a minute, this is happenin way too fast. They'd better hold on to that film a bit longer so people won't think they're rushing things just to make a quick buck...
l'm predicting a release of the dvd of the documentary in time for Christmas!
As someone in the film industry, they're screening the docu at the Film Festival so it can be reviewed by critics and audiences - this has become an industry "must" in these days for the distributor. If the film gets negative reviews, often the distributor backs out. If the film gets rave reviews it may see a "limited release" in cities like New York, Los Angeles, Houston, Miami, and Seattle. The distributor will want to cause as much "buzz" around the film as possible. If Stevie has decided to go with an "indie" distributor whose budget is nill, the film won't receive a lot of promos. If she goes with a big distributor they will likely buy out ads in Rolling Stone and Performing Songwriter and the film will be a success. I know several people who have seen the film and loved it. Hopefully everyone will! But Stevie is so lovable that I think people gravitate to her naturally now. She's an "older" woman who has a ton of money and her talent and legacy on rock is FINALLY being noted.
Thanks for the insightful info. Look - I loved DESTIY RULES and bought it, so the hardcore fan base is there - which might translate to 50,000 units at best - the same folks who bought the 1st week of IYD to land it at Billbaord #6. If the film itself is good, it may have some appeal broader than us - but let's not kid ourselves because i would never seek out a Gaga, Britney or Christina DVD simply because it had buzz. This is a document made to cement Stevie's legacy for decades to come and for that it's worth it. It's not so important that it score incredible numbers because from here on in it's about people discovering who SN is in 20 years. Case in point, I was turned on to Jazz singer Anita O'Day last year due to a wonderful indie doc called THE LIFE OF A JAZZ SINGER I discovered on YouTube. Anita died in 2006 at 87 but this doc brought her legacy to life to the degree that she's more alive to me now than Madonna is. Point made...
yes she from the west coast and good for her fans out there but y can't she do 2 of these film festivals one for west coast and one for the east coast not sure but is there something like that in new york city area . for all her east coast fans too. specially in these tough economically hard times. she has lots of big fans on the east coast too.
When you look at her concert numbers from the east coast they're often better than those on the west coast.
Would love to see documentary, I hope for a DVD soon, can't wait to see!!!
Oh hell yes! Stevie Nicks is the coolest
Wow! What a beautiful and haunting poster for the documentary.......Stevie is just so beautiful.
No joke! That poster is gorgeous! And it gives a vivid image of what the film is about, recording IYD in that house. I very much enjoy when stevie tells stories during her concerts that give depth to the songs and I'm sure the doc will feature more memorable stories. Makes you wish they had done a doc about bella donna or wild heart!?
is she only doing the one Q&A session?? are tix still available??
Blah. Not like it matters, but guess I'm the only one who thinks the poster is atrocious.
VERY excited for this film.
The wait is OVER!!!!!!!!!!
I don't care for the poster either, but I guess you can't please everyone, all the time...
I love the poster!! Im curious to know what you guys dont like?
Didn't the magazine Perfroming Songwriter cease publication like 5 or 6 years ago? Why quotes around ''buzz?" Oh, that doesn't matter.
I doubt that the film is even being considered for distribution beyond a few screenings and think the dvd will be sold in stores for the holiday season. I hope there's a deluxe, unedited dvd, as well as standard. We'll see. I want extended footage and the entire Wiltern concert. Charge us a lot to begin with, overcharge us for the kitchen sink multiple dvd release- ha-, but give options! They know what we pay to see her in concert, give us the chance for the extended hours long dvd to own in our homes and charge for it like a concert ticket! Or not! Do have the $25 version for the masses who aren't crazy like us in out need to spend spend for our Stevie fix. Maybe i should have used quotes. Or proper punctuation and capitalization. Whatev.
I like everyone's thoughts, whomever above, put quotes on ''buzz'' if you want, and you did/do! "buzz buzz buzz''
Buzzing off, now.
I doubt they release multiple editions of the DVD - that would be costly for the distributor. When it comes available to download from iTunes they may offer some kind of "30 extra minutes" - edition lol. That's what iTunes did for P!nk and Celine's last dvd's. The dvd's were available in one format but the digital copies contained extra footage...but I don't really like watching that kind of stuff on my laptop or iPad.
I would have no idea how to turn 3-400 hours of footage into a 90 min documentary. The editors deserve an Oscar!
MAYBE STEVIE WILL GET NOMINATED FOR A "BEST DOCUMENTARY" ACADEMY AWARD!!! *THAT* would be a slap in the face to the Grammy Academy!
"Eat THIS bitches, I got a fuckin Oscar!"
^ babble on, on. On.
... OUR need, not ''out need''. My need, not your need?
I never make any sense.
Destiny Rules sucked. The documentary. Good song.
i can't speak for everyone but what I do not like about the poster is simply, it wasn't the best shot from that session. or lighting for that matter. Her eyes look like (as my aunt used to say) -- ''like somebody poked her eyes out with hot coals".
It's the Nightbird look, with a top hat. She looks tired. Aunt Hagatha? Is that you with a derby on your head? And where on earth did you get those extensions?
Love her...she was just breathtaking in concert @ Jones Beach...6th row. Can't wait to get my hands on the documentary!!!
I am very excited for the release of the film in a limited engagement theatrical release all around the world. Stevie will finally be the movie star that many thought she should've in the 1970s/80s (THE SONG OF RHIANNON was supposed to be a film in the 1970s starring Stevie as the title character...The soundtrack demos from 1978 still sit in the vaults...after the new Fleetwood Mac album/tour, The Rhiannon Project should be the next solo album/animated film). And, I love the poster for the film: It's the iconic Rhiannon/Rumours album cover look. I think I might prefer this to have been the album cover art, though I simply adore that picture as well. This has to be released to the public around the Autumn/Halloween season, since there's so much "wicked witchery" going on in the film (Halloween parties/dress up/masquerade parties/vampires/mad wives in the attic/drugs/magic/etc.). I agree, this would be one heck-of-a feather in Ms. Nicks' cap(top hat)to receive an Oscar for this film. I can't believe it's only 101 minutes! I was hoping for 2 1/2 hours. Maybe the brevity will make it flood over audiences like a dream. See ya at the movies, magic willing!
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