American Horror Story: Coven will use 8 Stevie Nicks songs this season. Misty Day = obsessed with Stevie
Misty Day is a major character in American Horror Story "Coven" this season. She is considered to be a necromancer witch obsessed with Stevie Nicks.
Misty Day Character Background:
A young woman from a backwoods Pentecostal community in the bayous of Louisiana, Misty Day is misunderstood and even feared by those in her community. Without a Coven to call her own, Misty spends her days wandering the swamps and listening to Stevie Nicks.
American Horror Story: Coven Stars Answer Burning Questions on What's Next
Ryan Murphy was asked:
Can Misty use her regenerative power to bring herself back to life? (If you watched the first episode, her character was burned at the stake).
Of course. I love her character. Her character is obsessed with Stevie Nicks. The season really is an allegory or metaphor for any minority in the country where you feel alone. She's a girl who has never known other witches. The only witch she's ever known is Stevie Nicks, so I reached out to Stevie Nicks and asked her if we could use her music. Lily has an amazing Stevie Nicks shawl twirl scene in Episode 3. We used like eight Stevie Nicks songs this year.
American Horror Story airs on the FX Channel Wednesday nights at 10p.Also check out:
American Horror Story’s Lily Rabe on the Stevie Nicks Shoutout and Her Own Obsession With Her
American Horror Story: Coven Premiere's tonight. Stevie Nicks music to be featured this season - Video
Lily Rabe Opens Up About Her Stevie Nicks-Obsessed “American Horror Story” Turn
Details on Stevie Nicks American Horror Story Appearance Revealed **SPOILER ALERT**
Video: Spoiler Chat: American Horror Story Coven "The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks"
Stevie Nicks To Make A Guest Appearance
It was announced on November 12th that Stevie would be making an appearance on an upcoming episode. She'll also appear in a second episode before the end of the season in January. No further details have been released as to the scope of her appearances except that Ryan Murphy says: "Stevie appears as herself. It’s part of Fiona’s ruse in that Fiona is trying to get the true Supreme to reveal herself because she needs to stay alive. So she tells Misty Day that the Supreme gets so many great things in life, like tickets to the Oscars and Met Ball tickets. So she brings Stevie Nicks in as a gift to Misty to prove to her that if she exhibits more power she’ll get that and more. Then the other girls come home and see Stevie and Misty singing and it starts them trying to move much quicker to prove that they are the Supreme."
Stevie Nicks Headed to 'American Horror Story: Coven' - RollingStone
Stevie Nicks to Guest Star on American Horror Story - E-online
'The white witch lives!' Stevie Nicks to guest star as sorceress on American Horror Story: Coven - The Daily Mail
EPISODE 13 RECAP: (Wednesday, January 29, 2014)
Stevie was the focus of the full cold opening of tonights season finale of Coven. "Seven Wonders" was the title of the episode... and sure enough Stevie sang the Fleetwood Mac track "Seven Wonders". I thought it was really cool... and just like a music video which Ryan Murphy weeks ago said it would be.

While lip syncing to the song Stevie passed through many of the rooms on the main floor of Miss Robichaux's Academy decked out in a long flowing dress, platform boots and that famous top hat all the while singing "Seven Wonders" (the original 1987 Fleetwood Mac version from the Tango In The Night album). Glimpses of the girls in the coven off in their own spaces studying and getting ready for the Seven Wonders competition were shown while the track played. At the end of the song (It wasn't the full song, but a large portion of it), Stevie stood at the bottom of the stairs as the girls made their way down the staircase. They stopped... She said "Good luck girls" then turned, and walked down the long hallway and out the door. Pretty major segment! Not sure what happened with the track that Ryan Murphy said Lindsey and Stevie were working on for the show... Maybe it was supposed to be a retooling or updating of "Seven Wonders", not sure. In any case, it didn't happen.
Silver Springs was also used in the show later on after the new Supreme was revealed and a burning at the stake of an older witch took place.
Great show! Cool opening to the season finale for sure... and an unexpected crowning of the new Supreme.
Full show Recap at E-online
Episode 2: Edge of Seventeen and Rhiannon (Bella Donna and Fleetwood Mac album tracks)
Episode 3: Sara (Tusk album track)
Episode 6: Leather and Lace (Bella Donna album track)
Episode 9: Kind of Woman (Bella Donna album track)
Episode 10: Rhiannon (Fleetwood Mac) and Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You (Rock a Little album)
Episode 13: Seven Wonders (Tango In The Night), Silver Springs (Fleetwood Mac Rumours)
Episode 2: Edge of Seventeen and Rhiannon (Bella Donna and Fleetwood Mac album tracks)
Episode 3: Sara (Tusk album track)
Episode 6: Leather and Lace (Bella Donna album track)
Episode 9: Kind of Woman (Bella Donna album track)
Episode 10: Rhiannon (Fleetwood Mac) and Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You (Rock a Little album)
Episode 13: Seven Wonders (Tango In The Night), Silver Springs (Fleetwood Mac Rumours)
EPISODE 10 RECAP: (Wednesday, January 8, 2014)
Stevie Nicks Is the White Witch on 'American Horror Story'
In an effort to butter up presumed Supreme Misty Day (in the same way you butter delicious rye toast before devouring it), Fiona has her close personal friend the White Witch stop by for some piano playing and shawl sharing. - Rollingstone Recap

Episode 1: no songs used
Episode 2: Edge of Seventeen and Rhiannon (Bella Donna and Fleetwood Mac album tracks)
Episode 3: Sara (Tusk album track)
Episode 4 & 5: no songs used
Episode 6: Leather and Lace (Bella Donna album track)
Episode 7: no songs used
Episode 8: no songs used
Episode 9: Kind of Woman (Bella Donna album track)
Episode 10: Rhiannon (Fleetwood Mac) and Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You (Rock a Little album)
Episode 13: Seven Wonders (Tango In The Night), Silver Springs (Fleetwood Mac Rumours)
Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You
Until next week..... American Horror Story: Coven airs on FX on Wednesdays at 10pmET.
Stevie appears in the season finale episode which is scheduled to air on January 29th
in the U.S. and Canada on FX and a week later in Australia, UK and Ireland.
Cordelia and Misty Day cook up some healing mud and bring a dead plant to flower all to the sounds of Stevie Nicks' "Kind of Woman" from the Bella Donna album. Rollingstone Episode Recap.
Stevie's first appearance will be in the January 8, 2013 episode 10 after the Christmas/New Year break. The episode is titled "The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks".
EPISODE 6 RECAP: (Wednesday, Nov 13th)
"Get him out of here. He broke Stevie"

Song used in the scene: Stevie Nicks "Leather and Lace" from the album "Bella Donna" $4.99 at Amazon.
Misty Day is living her best life in the swamp, watering Myrtle's unyielding mound and bathing Kyle. I genuinely feel horrible for Kyle's character. Left to wander confused through the wilderness, Misty's attempts to scrub his wiener in the bathtub (and frankly, the fact she is sort of overbearing and possessive herself) triggers the memory of the abuse at the hands of his mother, and Kyle freaks out. He smashes her record player, (it's actually an 8-track player and it's playing "Leather and Lace") sending Misty weeping to the floor. "Get him out of here. He broke Stevie," she sobs as Zöe arrives at her door. Zöe instead takes Misty and Kyle back to the Academy, employing Misty's powers to bring Madison back from the dead. "There's too much death inside her. Put your hands on her stomach and push," Misty instructs Zöe, and they physically shove Death from Zöe's decayed body. Madison makes a pretty solid recovery, save for the blurry fish-eye vision and inability to drink ginger ale. Unfortunately Madison doesn't yet remember her murder, though she does have some other useful information: "There's nothing on the other side. Just black. Forever." Hoo boy.
Full show Recap at Rollingstone
Stevie Nicks was trending on Twitter tonight in the U.S.A., and it looked like there were people disappointed that Stevie wasn't in tonights episode obviously misinterpreting the news of her appearance where it said she would appear in an UP COMING episode. It'll be fun the night she's actually on... If you're not on Twitter, get yourself an account and follow along. Search hash tags #AHSCoven #AHS #AHSFX.
Episode 1: no songs used
Episode 2: Edge of Seventeen and Rhiannon (Bella Donna and Fleetwood Mac album tracks)
Episode 3: Sara (Tusk album track)
Episode 4 & 5: no songs used
Episode 6: Leather and Lace (Bella Donna album track)
Episode 7: no songs used
Episode 8: no songs used
Episode 9: Kind of Woman (Bella Donna album track)
Episode 10: Rhiannon and Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You
Until next week..... American Horror Story: Coven airs on FX on Wednesdays at 10pmET.
EPISODE 3 RECAP: (Wednesday, Oct 23rd)
Only one Fleetwood Mac (Stevie Nicks) tuned used in this weeks episode, but it was well placed in the show and came within the first 15 minutes.
The scene starts out with Misty and Kyle lying on Misty's bed in her swamp shack backed by the sounds of "Sara" by Fleetwood Mac. Misty begins to sing the opening lines to the song while smiling and looking at Kyle... "Wait a minute baby.. Stay with me a while. Said you'd give me light but you never told me about the fire"... Then looks at Kyle and says: "Stevie didn't really find her voice until she and Lindsey joined Fleetwood Mac. That's the thing -- you can't be your best self until you find your tribe. I'm still lookin' for mine."
Zoe then shows up to pick up Kyle and take him home to his mother. Misty, all excited, shows Zoe how she's healed his scars with swamp mud and has nursed him back to health. Misty wants them both to stay for dinner, but Zoe says no, another time... This upsets Misty and she kind of goes off the rails, possessive like, grabs Kyle and says he needs to stay with her, they're connected... Kyle fights back and wants to go with Zoe. Zoe tells Misty she'll come back for her, she promises... Misty thinks otherwise saying "no you won't" as Zoe and Kyle leave the shack... Misty then kind of breaks down like she's been abandoned... starts to cry... Grabs a shawl... and twirls it out Stevie style... End of scene.
Another great episode. One of the young witches was killed tonight by Fiona the Supreme Witch, but I have a feeling she'll be back.
- Trending on Twitter: Stevie Nicks
American Horror Story airs Wednesday nights at 10pm EST on the FX Channel.
EPISODE 2 RECAP: (Wednesday, Oct 16th)
Episode 2 of American Horror Story: Coven - paid off substantially in the Fleetwood Mac dept. As reported, eight songs are to be used this season and tonight the show kicked off with Stevie's "Edge of Seventeen" during a fairly gruesome scene where Misty Day brings a couple of gators back to life and they mangle two poachers. Misty later on professes her love of Stevie Nicks to Zoe all the while Fleetwood Mac's "Rhiannon" is playing in the background telling Zoe about the song saying "this was her anthem" and that Stevie is the "white witch" and her hero... The show is a hoot, it's all pretty camp, sometimes gross, but cool, fun and especially fun to watch the actors like Jessica Lange, Angela Bassett and Kathy Bates.
"I am NOT a witch!" says Stevie Nicks. She's had the persona but I doubt ever practiced real witch craft.
which (no pun intended) 8 songs??
Rhiannon, Dreams, GDW?, SoTM, Angel?, Storms, (FM songs) Cecilia-would be great!-but I doubt. Sorcerer,...?
more oscure songs please, that only a true fan would know
Lily Rabe is gorgeous. Here's hoping Stevie makes a surprise appearance in the show.
Yeah, Stevie really should pop in as the Queen Witch or something cool like that, just to tick off all the people that think she is a witch!!! Which SHE IS NOT!
Ugh. Ryan Murphy; the dude who mouths off to bands who won't permit Glee to use their music. Can't stand him or his lame TV shows. Dave Grohl and I won't be watching.
If you are a true Wiccan, most if not all would not accept what is practiced on this show as it is too dark....black arts...harm to others etc!
I believe Ms. Nicks, if she saw the first episode of Coven would not care for this form of Witchcraft,Voodoo, whatever one would call this. I saw this ....I was horrified by it!
There is another show called...Witches Of East End....not as dark , that I think would be more suited for Stevies songs . When I saw the intro commercial for ' Coven ' I was really excited, with the over saturation of ...so called REALITY television, I was looking forward to this,,,the hook for me was the ...Eric Burdin ...House of the rising sun ...in the commercial ! I will give it another chance!
Right, 1st Do No Harm ~ White wiccans would not like this. Way too commercial, and off-Truth.., that is to say Rhiannon's persona is more healing to all, has deep compassion, empathy, & is misunderstood for all she KNOWS... Never to be harmful.
Hey kids its fiction. Lets simmer down a bit. Im sure Sister Mary Eunice wasnt meant to be a literal representation of a catholic nun either. Thats the fun of fiction. The show is not a documentary of Wiccans, I could be mistaken but I dont even recall hearing Wicca mentioned. The closest the show has offered in the sense of "origin" is Tituba, a slave accused of witchcraft during the Salem trials. The Salem "witches' is a part of American history; but also of American folklore, which makes it great for........an American Horror Story!
At the risk of attack I would like to comment on some comments. True wiccan? White wiccan? These terms dont make sense to me. You are wiccan if that is your system of faith. If you believe you are, practicing/non-practicing, coven member/solitary, Gardnerian/Alexandrian whatever it is then you are wiccan. Who appoints true over false?
If the assumed belief is to be called wiccan one must abide by the fundamental statement of the the Rede, "An it harm none do what ye will", then how would the use of an adjective such as light/dark/white/black with the implied meaning make any sense at all? Its impossible to harm none but practice "dark" or "black" magic.
Since everyone is thinking what Stevie thinks Ill give it a go too. I doubt she cares! If Stevie were a (oh the irony) a "True" Wiccan then I could possibly see that there may be a slight disapproval to being associated with the show (the fictional show that has made no claim to be a factual representation of Wiccans in anyway) but Stevie, while has commented on being very spiritual, has never identified herself as a wiccan or witch. Just the oppisite of the latter actually.
To end on a lighter note...I also would totally love Stevie to make an appearance as some wildly powerful omnipotent character or fictionalized version of herself.
After tonight show I am convinced Seven Wonders will be the reworked song by Stevie and Lindey
Stevie rocks
I agree with seven wonders this will be the resalotion and sums up the series in the end!
The best show Ever, Love the music with Stevie Nicks. The Dark does exist and the white magic will overcome it. This show shows every time. That's a good thing.
Man of Honor....nicely said!
You sing Gold Dust Woman!!
Stevie Nicks is a moonchild, much like Alicia Keys or Shirley Mclaine...In the end its all the same, Astro-theology/ Spirit Worship.
As a young fan of Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks, I was really disappointed at the incorporation of Stevie Nicks' songs into American Horror Story. It literally hurt my stomach to watch it. As a devout fan who has picked apart every song, and has taken the time to understand the true origin of their meanings, I think it was really inconsiderate of Ryan Murphy to incorporate songs that have NOTHING to do with the plot. Now, millions of Americans can't say Stevie Nicks without Misty Day, which I think is pathetic. It saddens me to see my generation connect Stevie with a incorrect representation. I love Stevie, but I am so disappointed with her choice to be on American Horror Story. Stevie's legend was strong enough to stand on its own. A veryyyy special thanks to Ryan Murphy for rounding up America's misinformed bandwagon!
Ryan probably would have had a royal tantrum if Stevie hadn't agreed to do the show. He didn't respect her when she said no the first time. All he does is ride the coat tails of famous artists, and throws immature fits if they don't agree. I'm definitely not a fan of his work, or having Stevie Nicks associated with him.
Te amo Stevie!!! I love you!!!! Eres la mejor y siempre lo serás, ven a Barcelona, España
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