Sad news! Iconic Photographer Herbert W. Worthington II has passed away.
Mr. Worthington is responsible for many many iconic photos of Fleetwood Mac and of Stevie Nicks stretching all the way back to the early 70's. His photos of Stevie in particular are revered and loved to this day by fans within the Fleetwood Mac fan community. If you see a studio shot of Stevie in the late 70's or 80's it most likely was taken by Herbert... He seemingly was at her side every step of the way. In fact I think they were roommates at some point in the early days if I'm not mistaken.
Some of his album covers include the 1975 "Fleetwood Mac" album, "Rumours" and Stevie's first solo album cover "Bella Donna" among others.
Thank you Mr. Worthington for your work and for capturing a large part of this bands history!
My condolences to his family and to those that new him.
Friends have gathered at this Facebook page posting photos and stories about Herbie... Check it out:
In Memory of Herbert W. Worthington III
Famed Fleetwood Mac photographer dies at 69
Pasadena Star-news

Some of his album covers include the 1975 "Fleetwood Mac" album, "Rumours" and Stevie's first solo album cover "Bella Donna" among others.
Thank you Mr. Worthington for your work and for capturing a large part of this bands history!
My condolences to his family and to those that new him.
Friends have gathered at this Facebook page posting photos and stories about Herbie... Check it out:
In Memory of Herbert W. Worthington III
Famed Fleetwood Mac photographer dies at 69
Pasadena Star-news
Rest in peace, Mr. Worthington. Thank you for your beautiful work.
Thank you Mr. Worthington for such beautiful photos and my condolences to the family... :(
Amazing photographer. You left an amazing trail of awesomenesses!
RIP I have his masterpeices of Stevie all over my walls at my house
Mr. Worthington, you have been a huge inspiration for Stevie fans worldwide....Thank You for your beautiful work and giving us a chance to have more of it a few months back with the calendars 2007/08/09. Noone photographed Stevie better than you...Rest in Peace my friend.
I find this news very hard to believe and incredibly sad, if true. I just talked to him last week. Does anyone know the facts???
Ken Caillat
RIP Mr. Worthington - and thank you so very much for the photographs of Stevie. You captured her image and essence beautifully.
Very sad news, indeed. Rest in Peace + Mr. Worthington, & Thank you for every captured moment, thank heavens you were there ! ! ! Thank heavens YOU were there .
gorgeous, yes, iconic photographs of my favourite artists.
RIP my friend. It was an honor having you as a friend. One of the most honest kindest person I have ever met. You will be missed....
Herbie R.I.P. Got the news this morning from Bait. This hit pretty hard because it's not time yet.
Love ya man and see you soon.
So sad that Mr. Worthington has passed away... he captured the magic of Stevie and Fleetwood Mac so incredibly ~as they will be forever be a part of rock n roll history ~so shall his unforgettable images. Thank you Mr. Worthington... R.I.P.
Hi I'm Robert Del. Bostwick III, Herrbie was and is my Uncle. My Mom's brother. Though, Uncle Herrbie never liked to be called uncle. I live in Hawaii, so, I would call him and talk to him about once or twice a month. he was always up late, and maybe till the next day, so, I would call him late in the evening. I called him just a couple of weeks ago. But, he was sleeping already. He said he was feeling tried and he would call me later. He was always an influence on my life. We would talk about spirituality, UFO's. Things that a person couldn't talk about to just anyone. We had allot of the same ideology about life before and after. The last conversation we had was about him moving to Hawaii. I suggested The Big Island. That way at least I could visit him from time to time and if he ever needed anything. Sorry, I digress. Herrbie and mom ( Beverly Worthington ) my were very close. They talked almost everyday, I know he missed mom allot. My mom died on Oct. 31, 2012. Uncle Herrbie came to the funeral. Though, we talked many times, I hadn't seen him since in many years. I think it was when my Grandmother was still alive. Maybe, 30 years or so. But, it was great to see him. He got to see all the family and meet many of them. He also called me and told me about a lost uncle that I met when I was very young. The whole family lost contact with Uncle Bob, except Uncle Herrbie. I've had the opportunity to talk with on the phone several times, but, Uncle Herrbie would call every year and wish him and his family a Marry Christmas. I thought that was the coolest thing. I talked to my uncle Bob today, and let him know what has happened. I'm happy for Herrbie that he get to move on to the next step of our existence. Wherever and whatever that place is, be it heaven or to the ocean of souls that makes up this universe, and when we die our soul becomes one drop back to this ocean. Or if he is reincarnated and comes back to this world to finish his life lessons. I don't know. But, one thing I feel is wherever he is, He's happy and with out that physical internal conflict or any pain that he may have suffered. He and my mom had a very rough up bringing. One that only few know of and all of that pain is gone now. he is free of all of that. Though, I'm happy that he has found true peace, I am truly going to miss him. I keep thinking he is going to come to me and see me before ascension to that next step. He is gone on to visit his good friend Jimmy Hendrix, his mom( Lona Wilkerson/Worthington, dad( Bob Worthington), 2 sisters( Beverly Joan Worthington and my Aunt Billy Jean Seria) and his brother Sunny. Those of us that knew him well and talked to him and survived by him were My Cousin Chaun F Ralls and family, My sister Lisa A Eilar/Bostwick and her family, My Uncle Robert Worthington and family (The eldest brother of the family), and myself Robert( Bobby ) Delmar Bostwick III with my son Yo Mitsuo Bostwick. My son use to hear me talking to Uncle Herrbie and would ask me about him.
I found out that he died on the 10th of Nov.. The authorities found his body at 12:23, I assume at about noon time. the coroners office is going to call me and let me know a more accurate time of death.
Please, if there any questions or anything we as the family may need to know or if their is anybody that can help with funeral expenses, Please, call me on my cell at 808-640-6601. I am going to try to fly to LA next week to say my goodbye and to help sort things out with my family.
It's important to us, as a family to preserve, and protect the integrity of Uncle Herrbie's life's work...
I remember going to visit my Aunt Billie Jean Sehr's brother Herbie at his home in the Hollywood Hills back in the 70's. He was such a cool guy with a very unique bohemian style. RIP Herbie.
Greta Berlin
Thank you for coming forward Mr.Del Bostwick and telling the fans a little about Herbies life. So sorry for your loss.
Your very welcome, But, I kept spelling Uncle Herbie's name Uncle Herrbie. Never the less he will be dearly missed.
RIP Herbie, you did beautiful work. Condolences to the family.
Please help this family put Herbert Worthington to rest.
I've chatted with Herbert over the years, he was a cool and unique individual. He use to talk to me about the old days with Stevie and the fun they had at Magic Mountain in CA. When my husband passed away this year I wanted to call and let him know since he's talked to him a few times on the phone when he called the house because he couldn't remember my cell phone. When I was sick and in the hospital he was concerned about my well being. The last few years were hard on Herbert, he was not in a good place or in the best of health, we both kinda related. He was happy things were getting better for me, until August when my husband passed. I only wish I would have had the opportunity to meet the man who created some of the most fabulous and timeless photos of Stevie, he will be very much missed by all. "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance." ~Every Purpose
Hello Friends and fans of Herbie, Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks and others. My name is Chaun Ralls and I am Herbie's nephew. (Along with my cousins Bobby & Lisa). We are trying to connect the dots and get in contact with ANYone who was also close to Herbie that may be planning on any memorial or burial service for him. PLEASE CONTACT me so I can continue to wok with Bobby & Lisa, along with uncle Bob in putting this great man to rest. (310) 283-5057 ~~~~~~ This is especially hard on me as Herbie just called me last week and we were planning on talking on the phone together today... We are trying to be as proactive as we can in helping with Herbie's passing, but need some help/information - so Please, anyone with any info, please reach out. Again, thank you to all those knew, loved and appreciated Herbie for his soul, his work and his contribution to the creative arts of imagery, music and more. Much Love.
I googled Herbert Worthington, and I can not believe there are no news reports of him passing!
He does not even have a Wikipedia page.
My condolence to his family and friends. This is really sad folks, this is the guy resposible for the Rumors album cover and many other epic Rock and Roll photographs. Wake up media and Rolling Stone! Does every one need to be naked to get any coverage?
RIP Herbert Worthington.........................
Linda, thank you for the kind words. There are some articles of Herbie's passing on-line. Here's the main on published yesterday:
Chaun First let me send my deepest condolences to the family. I think you might want to get in touch with Christopher Nicks via Facebook. I have read that Herbie and Chris were close. Or even Ken Caillat via FaceBook might be able to help ( he wrote he just talked to HW last week in the comments above). Hope they have some information for you.
Thank You all for your thoughts and kind words. My name is Lisa Eilar I am Herbie's Neice. I have so many memories of Herbie when I was little. I have never met anyone more interesting. His style was so cool and I remember he never wore shoes... He will be missed ! If anyone has any information or stories about his life or friends please contact myself or My brother Bobby or my cousin Chaun . My number is 9099632595
Thank you for the kind words and names of likely good contacts. Very much appreciated.
All my love, thoughts, and prayers are with the family of Herbie right now.
Bobby, My heart goes out to you and the family. I love you brother. George Angelini
I remember Billie Jean when I was growing up with Herbie. The whole family I think
Hi - This is Birdie. I have been working with Herbie on a few projects, and we share a best friend (Mike Gallo/ 20/20) and as photographers - we both were Nikon, Epson, Apple and studied the old masters - we both drove old MBZ's, and we even had the same fave rave panasonic tape based answering machines. And, we both had parrots. I am sorry to report that his beloved Macaw, Peggy was also found deceased. If Karen could PLEASE contact me ASAP - we need to talk. I have been by his place, am in touch with his family - they had some contact with him, but we all really felt that Stevie and his other friends were his true family. I had many discussions with Herbie about his photography and we were going to do a t-shirt line (new one of his old pictures) of Stevie but I got busy with Love's 'Black Beauty' release on High Moon Records, which features just gobs and gobs of his pictures. One will be on a billboard on top of Amoeba Hollywood later this week. We had other projects for the future and I just want anyone to know who is interested in Herbie's pictures of Stevie that he made it very clear to me that she was set to get all the negatives and own them upon his passing. So, before the dust can even settle - I want this be known and so there is no speculation and if anyone has any licensing needs - to please contact Stevie's peeps. That said, I need Karen to contact me asap or Stevie's brother. Thank you. He was a big bear of a boy. We will always love him. Birdie
I'm beyond shocked. I'm at a loss for words right now, but I will have quite a bit to say. Herbie was one of my oldest and dearest friends, and we shared quite a bit of life together. I wiull gather my thoughts and post again soon. RIP Herbie
Hi Ken and Seth
We started getting worried about him last week. I needed 2 more photos from him for our Love 'Black Beauty' release, and as he didn't have them stored in his house - he had to go to where he thought were and find them, scan them, etc. He was chipper ! He wasn't 100% sure he could find them, so when I didn't hear back by our deadline for getting the files delivered for pre-press - I just figured, he didn't didn't find them in time. I did call him to let him know the files were delivered without the use of the photos (which were paid for) and that I had a nice cage for Peggy if he wanted a new one for the porch, and to let him know that Mike Gallo had a plane finally booked to come to LA and get back to his music career. Herbie shot all of Mike's bands over the years, and he was key to reissues and releases of 80's & 90's songs. Never heard back. At first I thought....he feels bad he didn't find the photos (maybe he did after all??), but we all got past that and were calling him as friends on other things. Sometimes if he got stressed or busy to cover next months bills - he'd disappear for a week or two and ignore his phone, but he'd always pop the end of last week we started to talk about sending the police over to check on him - I got sick, so I couldn't. The last thing I said to Mike last night was 'Call Herbie!!' as I was too under the weather to talk and it was a pressing problem...he would have been delighted Mike was coming out finally, etc. Well, today I got up to go see the proofs of our 60 page booklet chock-a-block full of Herbie's pictures (his first band shoot!) and the drummer of Love called to tell me something was on the internet that Herbie had passed. WTF. I get out the door, I proof the booklet to make sure Herbie's photos reflect the originals (as much as possible) - all 60 pages - make calls to his old assistant Bill Malay (who was in Mike Gallo's band 'Radio Music') - he had no idea - I was hoping it was just a rumor....I got through all 60 pages....jumped in the car and went to Herbie's as if it was true, I was terribly worried about Peggy !!!! I located neighbors, property manager, his cars, the stray cat he fed (yes, she is being fed by another neighbor and yes she wanted to know where he was...she is a sweet heart (the cat) he would feed the cats even when he was broke), found the family contact numbers and boom. I haven't even had time to be in shock as it has been a full day of taking care of Herbie business. I hit the ground running and haven't stopped. Mike will be in LA in a few weeks. We hope the memorial will be in mid-December. I am SO going to miss him ! Birdie
RIP, sweet Herbie. I will always remember you. Thank you for putting me on the cover of the Law album. It was a lot of fun. You will always have a special place in my heart. You were and always will be the best Fleetwood Mac photographer.
I just was thinking of him today. He shot some portraits of me back in the late 70's. He had his own beautiful style. I am saddened by the news. RIP Herbie.
So sad to hear of this tragic news! " herbster" is the reason i moved from chicago to LA in the mid 80's and according to him, I was the only one who, besides HIMSELF, cut those lucious long locks of his
( and tinted his beard) :) we had years of many many happy haircuts together! Plz let me know of any funeral arrangements 310-619-hair . I wouldnt miss saying goodbye to this very dear friend!
Hi Lisa, I'm Jimmy Vikse. I've known Herbie since childhood. I was in class with Herbie one day and the teacher made him go home and put some shoes on. I got up and went with him. The whole class cracked up. We didn't go back that day. I am shocked and saddened about our loss. He was a great man from day one. We have always been there for each other no matter what. This is going to take a long time to get used to. I've been in contact with Chaun but neglected to give him my contact info. I will do that now. Do not hesitate to get in touch if I can do anything for you or yours.
Thank you all again for your kind words and expressions you've shared about Herbie. We, his remaining (blood) family are very saddened by our loss. Lisa, Bobby and I had been in regular contact with Herbie for the past several years. He may not have shared that with many people, but each of us has had the opportunity to not only grow up, as kids with Herbie as our Uncle, but also to remain close to him through countless, deep & meaningful conversations and mutual respect & love. I am Blessed to have spoken with him just 2 weeks ago and we had planned on talking again this past Weds. Well, I have been talking to him everyday this week and he knows it. I have nothing but the kindest respect and appreciation for Stevie, the Fleetwood Mac family and all of Herbie's dearest friends & fans. We are all hurting from this loss and will cherish Uncle Herbie's memories, interesting persona, life's work and accomplishments, just as anyone who had the pleasure to truly know him. We, his remaining family members are working hard to help do right by him and all we can to help his closest friends and loved ones to preserve his legacy & possessions. Believe me, this comes from our hearts, which are hurting. We would truly appreciate being as much a part of his passing as possible. Please keep the information and warm expressions coming and together we can celebrate this mans life. Much Love.
Chaun, Lisa, Bobby and all those close to thoughts and prayers are with each and everyone of you.
Thank you all for all your kind words and thoughts. Jimmy that story is too funny , because he never wore . Jimmy Please send me your contact info my email is I will keep you up to date on the arrangements. Its is so cool to hear all the stories please keep them coming
Heart break...friends with Herbie in 70's & 80's....he was a dear friend..we would hang out in Hollywood...sometimes I would help him with photo shoots at studio on Sunset..which I loved..great vibes & conversations...filled with photos of Stevie Nicks...he adored her....he was unique...we would drive around in my Fiat spyder...which we looked histerical im sure..since he was so tall.. I remember going to a party for a book party..of Jimi Hendrix by jimmi Hendrix(not related) ..Excuse me while I kiss the sky...There was a section in there about Herbie & hanging out with Hendrix & Buddy Miles...He loved my Herbie & Mike Gallo ..(another dear friend) would request i have lasagna parties. Of course....always my pleasure...great memories..So Memories of long ago..FRIENDS HAVING LASAGNA TOGETHER....WHEN SOMETHING FLYS BY THEIR WINDOW..SEEMS LIKE A DREAM...YOU GOT ME HYPNOTIZED...LOVE YOU HERBIE WORTHINGTON 111....YOU WILL BE MISSED...ALWAYS MY FRIEND...ALWAYS.. XXOOX ROZANNE.....
I remember my mom and Grandma Billie talking about the time and either going to pick him up or drop Herbie off.. I asked him why he never wore shoes. He told me he was against wearing anything that had been living or had a soul.. That is also why he was a vegetarian, he told me he didn't want to eat anything that had a soul.. I could always appreciate that... I also remember I was very young one of my earliest memories of staying at his house. He had to do something in another room. But, he put earphones on my ears and told me to listen to some music. It was the first time I heard Deep Purple's Smoke on the Water.... He always had this cool antique barbers chair. He would cut my hair when I was about 5 years old... That was about the time he was photographed, as Jesus with the thorny crown on his head... I don't know what ever happened to that picture.. There was also the picture of him and his white Afgans dogs of his... It was at my Aunt Billie's house... There are some many memories that come flashing in my mind.... I also wanted to say. Uncle Herbie was also in contact with my youngest sister, Joy, and her family.... We were all in contact with Uncle Herbie... We family member that are still around knew and grew up knowing that he had an extended family in the music industry. We also knew who he was close too. He would always talk about his life long friend Jimmy.. I remember a funny story he told me once. He told me a story about him going to a party and seeing Jim Morison, and when Jim saw Uncle Herbie. He started tripping on Uncle Herbie.. It was pretty funny. Considering how tall Uncle Herbie was.... It seemed he was always ducking under the tops of door ways...
So sorry to hear about Herbie's passing. Back in the 60's he lived about a quarter block from where I lived on 112th street in L.A I knew him from when he about 14 to his early 20's. When we moved to Ventura County I did not see him for decades. I contacted him after he retired and he told me all about his adventurous life.
Chaun, I will contact you this evening. I have some photos of Herbie and his cars from back then.
Alex M.
I totally remember that Barber Chair! In fact, I almost mentioned the barber chair in my first post. It warms my heart to see how many people loved him so very much.
Greta B. husband is your Uncle Bob's son. You can reach me at or Facebook..Catherine Worthington. Black cat on profile.
I lived on 110th and Budlong.met Herbie through a friend(Gary) he was working on his 58 Chevy.
I went into the Army in 66 and never returned to the old neighborhood. always remembered him though. RIP Herbie.
So very sad to hear of the passing of Herbie. I worked at Wells Fargo in 1998 and met Mr. Worthington. He would come in flirting and chatting unlike anyone I knew. He was a great soul who gave amazing hugs. I would help him every month with balancing his check book, and even after I left the bank in 2002 we would meet up monthly.
In 2008 I moved away from Southern California to start a photography business with my husband. Mr. Worthington would call me every few months to chat. Heck he even continued to mail me his bank statements for awhile.
Over the years the months between our calls grew further apart. I have been thinking about him a lot over the last year, but just did not make the time to call.
Today on the radio I heard a story about a Herbie, and I thought of Mr. Worthington and said today I will call him. I read of his passing. So very sad that I did not reach out sooner.
Rest in Peace Mr. Worthington. The world will not be the same without you.
People...this is NOT a page for self promotion, ie: Birdie Breeze/Kathleen Ostridge. This was a beautiful man, who had touched so very, very many people. He TRULY loved his family and CLOSE friends. We'd been friends for decades, and I will SO miss his voice and the joy he'd brought into this world. There was never a negative word I'd ever heard or any that he'd ever uttered. He had a heart of gold and there are simply not enough words that be expressed, as they have been prior. My heart, love and condolences again, to his beloved family, whom he has hopefully now been reunited with. xoxoHWW
Here is Herbert Worthington's Wikipedia.
I knew Herbie in high school when he had the Witch Switch in his garage, he welcomed all of us there. He was a true artist and many of us from Washington High School in L.A. still talk about him with great kindness.
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